
Even though Japanese Americans were in camp, they still had to go to school like all Americans. Barracks were converted into classrooms and teachers were brought in or recruited from within. With little or no supplies, they made do with what they had and tried to make schooling as normal as possible.

"I thought we had pretty good teachers...excellent teachers. Like Mrs. Katherine Stegner, who was really dedicated, she was credentialed in the state of Colorado, and she came to Amache High because she figured the students were really being given the raw deal, being herded into camp. Well anyway...she was told that if she went and volunteered to be a high school teacher at the "jap" camp "you’ll never be able to teach in the state of Colorado again," she was threatened, and she came anyway. The teachers used to tutor the students that were ready for college, and one thing Mrs. Stegner used to do is write to colleges all over and see if she could get a scholarships for the students from camp cause they didn’t have any money.That’s why [we] always said at reunions that we are indebted to Mrs. Stegner for the rest of our lives for what she did for us." (Robert U.)

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