Clip from "Always"
"...the horror of it all. I would go back again and again." Visitor at Yellow River
 Audio clip from "Lemon c.c."
"Past and future have been exchanged for icons: photos, postcards, and films cover their loss. A surplus of information attempts to control this evanescence of time by reducing it to a compulsive chronology."
Cultural critic
 Vistor interview after seeing Peach Boy
"There are a few token lines about self-esteem but for the most part, it is about the rape and destruction of one peoples culture." Visitor at Yellow River
This story begins in a small town in a small city in a small state yet to be revealed. It happens down the street, in the back of the house, in the garage, somewhat hidden from the view of others yet right beneath your very nose. It is a story of acculturation, of the fabrication of identities using the pattern based on the market globalization of American culture. A process which is influenced by the passivity of the masses to consume this information and by the media structure which chooses to exploit this market in fulfilling their destiny as icon makers. That's all.
Welcome to scenic YELLOW RIVER
Yellow River is an environment that is very unfriendly to its visitors. It is a place where thoughts and images have become rankled and grotesque. And for visitors, there is no shelter, no running, no hiding from these ghostly apparitions. The negative aspects of this crude setting - nothing familiar, nothing friendly, nothing comfortable - are also where the bulk of its incredible power lies. To endure and survive this space will only make you stronger and become better prepared for the future. The ability to overcome hardships in this environment will reinforce all the preconceived notions that you have of yourself. That inherently, we are all good people trying to do the best we can and the way we live our lives and the decisions that we make during our existence here truly have only the best intentions for all peoples currently present on this earth. That we are all made in the mirror of god's image; and therefore we are all god like. That our destination is to rule the earth and those around us as well as take control of the nearby moons and planets for our future colonies. This is our destination. This is Yellow River.
The world is my OYSTER
To shellfish of the world, unite. You will be the next victim of man's consumption and total annihilation when the sashimi supply of this world runs out. At that point, it will be up to you to place your best shell forward. Just as the fruit of the world take precautions to care for their seeds, the need for safeguarding your life giving ovules is imperative for the future of mollusks around the universe. People of the world will come to exploit your existence. Without you, the future of humankind is in jeopardy of losing all reproductive abilities due to the lack of oysters after which, all other plants, minerals and animals will be scutinized and ravished upon until an adequate life potency replacement is found. When there is no other equal to this found in what many consider to be the secondary world of elements, humans will turn to the primary world and it will be person against person, fighting it out amongst each other in an attempt to find out if humankind itself carries the cure within its own internal body. This is the point when, during all this worldly chaos, destruction and fear, the person bearing the almighty fruit of ages will arise and become the new savior of our god foresaken world. The compassion and intelligence that this person will bring to us while we are in this tragic state shall lift us up and take us to the next level. It will bring us to Nirvana.
Users guide: As you go through Yellow River, please note that all the names have been changed to protect the innocent. The contents or stories in all this, however, are absolutely true. While in search for peace and enlightenment, there are many paths that one can follow but few which hold the truths to free us from ignorance. Venture with great awareness as the answers to many of life's questions will lay at your own feet. If you are not careful, you may find yourself squashing your very own future (how's that for irony). Understand that the object is an object for the subject and the subject is a subject for the object; know that the relativity of the two rests ultimately on one emptiness. In doing so, you will discern the origin of suffering which constitutes the foundation for enlightenment for all living beings. Please take a moment to orientalize yourself. Your journey is about to begin.